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Future создатель Mind Map: Future

1. Subj+will+not+verb (Base form)+compl

2. Will+subject+verb (Base form)+compl

3. Be going to form+Uses

3.1. Expresar planes

3.2. Predicciones

3.3. Forma negativa

4. Going to- Questions

4.1. Yes/ No questions

4.2. Wh-questions

5. Will form+Uses

5.1. Para expresar una promesa

5.2. Para expresar Una acción voluntaria

5.3. Forma Negativa

6. Will- Questions

6.1. Yes/ no questions

6.2. Wh- questions

7. Will

7.1. Subj+will+verb (Base form)+compl

8. Be going to

8.1. Subj+verb "to be" (conjugated in present)+going to+verb(base form)+compl

8.2. Subj+verb "to be" (conjugated in present)+not+going to+verb(base form)+compl

8.3. Verb "to be" (conjugated in present)+Subj+going to+verb(base form)+compl

9. Will be doing

9.1. Eventos futuros

9.2. Planes futuros

9.3. Predecir en el momento