Homework from Diane Darling - map who you know

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YOU by Mind Map: YOU

1. You're welcome to repurpose for your own use. Please credit DianeDarling. Thank you!

2. Welcome!

3. Family

3.1. Spouse/Partner

3.2. Children

3.3. Pets

3.4. Inlaws

3.5. Former family

3.6. Parents

3.7. Grandparents

3.8. Aunts/Uncles

4. Volunteer

4.1. Philanthropy

4.2. Strategic

5. Friends

5.1. Activity

5.2. Support

5.3. Truth

5.4. History

5.5. Close by

6. Sports/Fun

6.1. Gym

6.2. Outdoors

6.3. Theater

6.4. Movies

6.5. Art

6.6. Music

6.7. Dining out

7. Associations

7.1. Industry

7.2. Chamber

7.3. Peer group

7.4. Biz exchange

8. Aspirational

8.1. Warren Buffet

8.2. Bill Gates

9. This is an interactive tool for you to "map" who you know. It is part of the workshops offered by Diane Darling. If you'd like to learn more, please contact [email protected]

10. Fan Club

10.1. collection of people who like you, have championed you

10.1.1. Send them quarterly updates using MailChimp or Constant Contact

11. Work

11.1. Current job

11.1.1. Supervisor

11.1.2. Colleague #1

11.1.3. Colleague #2

11.2. Past job #1

11.2.1. Person 1

11.2.2. Person 2

11.3. Past job #2

12. Alumni

12.1. College

12.2. High school

12.3. Camps

12.4. Grad school

13. Online

13.1. Facebook

13.2. Twitter

13.3. Pinterest

13.4. Instagram

13.5. LinkedIn

14. Within 5 miles/minutes

15. Suppliers

15.1. Lawyer

15.1.1. Will

15.1.2. Agreements

15.2. Car

15.2.1. where you buy

15.2.2. where you get it fixed

15.3. Financial

15.3.1. Accountant

15.3.2. Investments

15.3.3. Banking

15.4. Travel agent

15.5. Support

15.5.1. Personal Hair Image consulting Dry cleaners

15.5.2. Home help

15.5.3. Spiritual

15.5.4. Health Primary care Heathcare proxy

16. Be wise

16.1. Religion

16.2. Politics

16.3. Gender