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Endocrine Glands by Mind Map: Endocrine Glands

1. Hypothalamus

1.1. Antidiuretic hormone - tells kidneys to reabsorb more water (through posterior pituitary)

1.2. Oxytocin - stimulates contraction of uterine muscles during childbirth, milk ejection//sperm ejection (throught posterior pituitary)

1.3. Releasing and Inhibiting hormones - stimulates/inhibits release of hormones from anterior pituitary

2. Thyroid

2.1. Thyroxine - increases metabolic rate, regulates growth and development

2.2. Calcitonin - inhibits release of calcium from bones

3. Parathyroid (located behing thyroid)

3.1. Parathormone - stimulates release of calcium from bones

4. Pancreas

4.1. Insulin - decreases blood glucose levels

4.2. Glucagon - increases blood glucose levels

5. Ovaries

5.1. Estrogen - causes development of female secondary sexual characteristics and maturation of eggs

5.2. Porgesterone - stimulates devfelopment of uterine lining and formation of placenta

6. Testes

6.1. Testosterone - stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics and stimulates speratogenesis

7. Anterior Pituitary Gland

7.1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - stimulates secretion of estrogen/speratogenesis

7.2. Luteinizing hormone (LH) - stimulates secretion of estrogen and porgesterone/testosterone

7.3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - stimulates thyroid to release thyroxine

7.4. Growth hormone - stimulates growth, protein synthesis, and fat metabolism

7.5. Adrenocorticoptropic hormone (ACTH) - stimulates adrenal cortex to release hormones (glucocorticoids)

7.6. Porlactin - stimulates milk synthesis and secretion from mammary glands

8. Adrenal Gland

8.1. Adrenal Medulla

8.1.1. Epinephrine and Norepinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenaline) - increase levels of sugar and fatty acids in blood

8.2. Adrenal Cortex

8.2.1. Glucocorticoids - increase blood sugar

8.2.2. Aldosterone - increase reabsorption of salt in kidney

8.2.3. Testosterone - causes masculinization of body features

9. Others

9.1. Pineal Gland

9.1.1. Melatonin - regulates seasonal reproductive cycles

9.2. Thymus

9.2.1. Thymosin - stimulates maturation of cells of immune system

9.3. Kidney

9.3.1. Renin - acts on blood proteins to produce angiotensin, which regulates blood pressure

9.3.2. Erythropoietin - stimulates red blood cell synthesis

9.4. Heart

9.4.1. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) - Increases salt and water excretion by kidneys

9.5. Digestive tract

9.5.1. Secretin, Gastrin, Cholecystokinin, etc. - control secretion of mucus, enzymes, and salts