5. Fluffy's Dog House Complete 42 hrs to complete 44 Labor hours $880 in Labor $200 in Materials ...

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5. Fluffy's Dog House Complete 42 hrs to complete 44 Labor hours $880 in Labor $200 in Materials Total Project $1080 by Mind Map: 5. Fluffy's Dog House Complete 42 hrs to complete 44 Labor hours $880 in Labor $200 in Materials Total Project $1080

1. Construction - Sarah (17 hrs /$360 )

1.1. Schedule (Sarah 2 hrs / $40)

1.2. Roof (Jason 3 hrs / $60)

1.2.1. frame roof (Jason 1 hr)

1.2.2. insulate roof (Jason 1 hr)

1.2.3. shingle roof (Jason 1 hr)

1.3. House (Jason 5 hrs / $120)

1.3.1. frame house (Sarah 1 hr)

1.3.2. insulate house (Jason & Sarah 1 hr)

1.3.3. install windows (Sarah 1 hr)

1.3.4. install doors (Jason 1 hr)

1.3.5. install roof (Jason 1 hr)

1.4. Concrete Pad (Sarah 7 hrs / $140)

1.4.1. pour & cure concrete (Sarah 5 hr)

1.4.2. paint concrete (Sarah 2 hr)

2. Design (Sarah 6hrs / $120)

2.1. Work-site evaluation (Sarah 2 hrs / $40)

2.1.1. Take space measurements (Sarah 1 hr)

2.1.2. Evaluate any space limitations (Jason 1 hr)

2.2. Blueprint (Jason 4 hrs / $80)

2.2.1. design house (Jason 2 hrs)

2.2.2. meet with client to ok house design (Jason 2 hrs)

3. Client Evaluation (Jason - 9 hrs / $200 )

3.1. Dog Meeting (Jason - 3 hrs / $80)

3.1.1. :warning: take measurements of Fluffy - Jason & Sarah -1 hrs

3.1.2. determine use of dog house - Jason - 2 hrs

3.2. Budget (Jason - 6 hrs / $120)

3.2.1. solidify labor costs - Sarah - 3 hrs

3.2.2. solidify material budget - Sarah - 2 hrs

3.2.3. agree to payment schedule - Jason - 1 hr

4. Finishing (Jason 4 hrs / $80)

4.1. House (Jason 3 hrs / $60)

4.1.1. paint house (Jason 1 hr)

4.1.2. install extras (Jason 1 hr)

4.1.3. paint windows & doors (Jason 1 hr)

4.2. Final Approvals (Sarah 1 hr / $20)

5. Materials (Sarah 6 hrs / $120 ) Material Cost $200

5.1. purchase finishing supplies (Sarah 1 hr)

5.2. purchase framing supplies (Jason 1 hr)

5.3. purchase shingles (Jason 3 hr)

5.4. purchase tools (Sarah 1 hr)