Why Stores Shouldn't Spy on You

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Why Stores Shouldn't Spy on You by Mind Map: Why Stores Shouldn't Spy on You

1. They don't tell you that they are spying on you.

1.1. "Unbeknownst to shoppers, stores across the U.S. are using spying tools to gather evidence about millions of their loyal customers." "(How Stores Spy on You")

1.1.1. "How Stores Spy on You - Consumer Reports." How Stores Spy on You - Consumer Reports. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

2. A lot of it is an ILLEGAL intrusion of privacy

2.1. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" ("Bill of Rights") How can you be secure in your persons, houses, papers, and effects if you are being spied on when you shop? It is completely unreasonable to use cameras and tracking to spy on you and take personal information.

2.1.1. "Bill of Rights." Bill of Rights Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.

3. They are taking information that YOU should be able to make decisions about.

3.1. "Business owners can see which displays catch your eye, what kind of items make you smile, and whether long lines stress you out. After you leave, they may be able to TEXT you a coupon for items you ogled, hoping to lure you in to spend more cash."(Peters22)

3.1.1. Peters, Joshua. "Should Stores Be Allowed to Spy on You?" Attention Shoppers, You Are Being Stalked! (2015): 22. Scope. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.

4. Sometimes it may benefit you, but it isn't worth giving them all your personal information.

4.1. "Your face and vehicle license plate can be linked. If that info is not securely stored, it could be hacked." ("How Stores Spy on You")

4.1.1. "How Stores Spy on You - Consumer Reports." How Stores Spy on You - Consumer Reports. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.