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Jobs by Mind Map: Jobs

1. professions

1.1. teacher

1.2. cook

1.3. firefighter

1.4. police officer

1.5. doctor

1.6. waiter/waitress

1.7. hairdresser

1.8. car mechanic

1.9. dentist

1.10. judge

1.11. musician

1.12. librarian

1.13. shop assistant

2. workplace

2.1. office

2.2. factory

2.3. shop

2.4. school

2.5. hospital

3. working people & relations

3.1. white collar worker

3.2. blue collar worker

3.3. boss

3.4. supervisor

3.5. subordinate

3.6. colleague

3.7. staff

4. payment

4.1. to make ends meet

4.2. well-paid

4.3. badly paid

4.4. bonus

4.5. pension

5. absztrakt

6. XX. század

7. unemployment

7.1. to be fired

7.2. to leave/quit the job

7.3. to retire

7.4. pensioner

8. work

9. occupation

10. post/position

11. career

12. What do you do?

13. employment

13.1. job seeker

13.2. to read job advertisments

13.3. to apply for a job

13.4. to go for a job interview

13.5. CV

13.6. covering letter

13.7. resumé

13.8. to take sy on/hire/employ

13.9. to fill the vacancy