1. Community
1.1. Guest Speakers
1.1.1. Help run workshops for students
1.1.2. Bring in another perspective that students may not see
1.1.3. Another adult figure that they can look up to, or ask for support / advice
1.2. Community Coaches
1.2.1. Bring their own ideas towards promoting inclusivity
1.2.2. Work alongside teacher coach to creating positive spaces for the students to feel safe and able to talk about problems
1.3. Lack of community resources in other aspects such as having counsellors, therapists, social workers, etc.
2. Student Body
2.1. Student created artworks that have positive messages
2.2. Peer-to-peer run groups (math tutoring, essay writing, etc)
2.3. Student Councils (EYAA (Athletic Asssociation), Student Government, Gay Straight Alliance, etc)
2.4. The class with students that have exceptionalities, they are not as integrated into the school
2.4.1. They do not come to all the assemblies that the school has
2.4.2. They only get gymnasium time on days where the school has a "late start", so they go in before all the other students come into school
2.4.3. They have one EA and that is only occasionally
3. Environment (classroom and school)
3.1. Part of the revamped school interior, they are promoting school pride.
3.1.1. Having student art works up
3.1.2. Trophies from sport teams
3.1.3. Pictures of Clubs
3.2. During initiatives such as bullying prevention week there are works of art from students who are helping run it all over the school, as well as posters and ads to help bring awareness to it
3.2.1. There are also announcements made about the initiatives, with messages and themes that students should think about
3.3. Phys Ed office has pamphlets and bulletin board regarding many topics which students have access too
3.4. Phys Ed office also has works of art from students that tackle problems that they deal with in the health unit
3.5. In terms of classes, the only place I have seen inclusion and disability being spoken about is within the health curriculum.
3.5.1. Talk about issues regarding bullying, social media concerns, body image, diversity, inclusion and equity, etc
4. Staff
4.1. Teachers
4.1.1. Department heads run the PLC sessions which are department specific
4.1.2. Help coordinate and manage clubs and teams
4.1.3. Creates safe spaces within the classroom by having these discussion of inclusion and diversity
4.1.4. By ingraining these positive ideals within their curriculum
4.1.5. Work with other staff to create these events or initiatives within the school to promote positive ideals
4.1.6. Run after-school tutoring and peer-to-peer learning space
4.2. Guidance Counsellors
4.2.1. Helps students with any problems within their time at school
4.2.2. Provides resources that students may need
4.2.3. Brings resources for teachers and prepares some workshops as well for PLC
4.3. Principal and Vice-Principal
4.3.1. Also like guidance counsellors, delegated a certain amount of students to support and assist
4.3.2. Facilitate the PLC sessions and has a guiding direction of where they want to go
4.3.3. Help patrol the inside of the school halls during class time and before and after school to make it a safe space
4.4. Librarian
4.4.1. Holds workshops for teachers during PLC
4.5. Hall Monitor
4.5.1. Patrols outside and inside of school making sure everyone is safe
4.6. Office Admin
4.6.1. Announcements regarding events and workshops for students to attend within the school