Educational disadvantage: improving the Achievement, Access and Aspiration of SEN children: Brett...

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Educational disadvantage: improving the Achievement, Access and Aspiration of SEN children: Brett Wigdortz by Mind Map: Educational disadvantage: improving the Achievement, Access and Aspiration of SEN children: Brett Wigdortz

1. Pupil Achievement, Access and Aspirations

1.1. Income is a significant factor

2. Expansion of Teach First

2.1. Lonon

2.2. Manchester

2.3. Midlands

2.4. Yorkshire etc

2.5. Growth towards 15%

3. Classroom Leadership

3.1. The key to success

4. Web publication - boosting the self-esteem of children

4.1. Examples:

5. Mission: to address educational disadvantage

6. Rhian Harris TeachFirst

7. David Scales TeachFirst

8. Brett Wigdortz, CEO and founder of Teach First