1. Manage Team Acquisition
1.1. Existing Work
1.1.1. Organization Model
1.1.2. Organization Resources
1.1.3. Project Management Plan (PM Plan)
1.2. Methods and Tools
1.2.1. Pre-assignment
1.2.2. Negotiation
1.2.3. Acquire Project Team
1.2.4. Virtual Teams
1.2.5. Engage Communities of Practice
1.2.6. Collaboration Platform
1.3. Work Product
1.3.1. Project Team Assignments
1.3.2. Resource Calendars
1.3.3. Updates to Project Plans
2. Manage Team Building
2.1. Existing Work
2.1.1. Project Team Assignments
2.1.2. Project Management Plan (PM Plan)
2.1.3. Resource Calendars
2.2. Methods and Tools
2.2.1. Listen
2.2.2. Talk 1:1
2.2.3. Facilitate Meetings
2.2.4. Lead Collaborative Systems Work
2.2.5. Training
2.2.6. Collaboration Platform
2.2.7. Recognize and Reward
2.2.8. Co-location
2.3. Work Product
2.3.1. Team Performance Assessments
3. Manage Team
3.1. Existing Work
3.1.1. Organization Model
3.1.2. Project Team Assignments
3.1.3. Project Management Plan (PM Plan)
3.1.4. Resource Calendars
3.1.5. Team Performance Assessments
3.1.6. Performance Reports
3.2. Methods and Tools
3.2.1. Talk 1:1
3.2.2. Facilitate Meetings
3.2.3. Lead Collaborative Systems Work
3.2.4. Handle Conflict
3.2.5. Collaboration Platform
3.2.6. Issues Log
3.2.7. Project Performance Audits
3.3. Work Product
3.3.1. Updates to Project Plans
3.3.2. Updates to Project Models
3.3.3. Change Requests