by Fatima Anacleto
1. Definition GOOGLE SEARCH
1.1. It is a google service company where you can search the internet about any subject.
1.2. It is currently the most used search service.
1.3. It is the first service launched by google.
1.4. It is the most accessed site in the world today.
2. The Google Search has pages for opering systems, for example:
2.1. Palm
2.2. Linux
2.3. Mac
2.4. windows
2.5. Free BSD
3. WOLFRAM is also:
3.1. Products
3.2. Solutions
3.3. Purchase
3.4. Support
3.5. Company
3.6. and our sites
4. Operation Google Scholar
4.1. Like other tools, Google Scholar orders search results in order of relevance. The criteria are the entirety of each article and its author, where it was published and the frequency of their citations in the academic literature.
5. Definition WOLFRAM
5.1. It is a international software company focused on mathematics and scientific computing.
5.2. The main product of wolfram research is match on environment for thechnical computing.
6. Definition SCHOLAR
6.1. It is a Google search tool to search through academic papers, literature, schools, universities and newspapers articles