The Early Modern Ages

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The Early Modern Ages by Mind Map: The Early Modern Ages

1. 3. Social Changes

1.1. The priviledged class

1.1.1. Clergy and nobility

1.2. The bourgeoisie

1.2.1. Upper bourgeoisie Some of theme where became wealthier than the nobles

1.2.2. Petite bourgeoisie

2. 4. The modern state

2.1. Monarchs had more resources

2.2. Monarchs consolidate their authority

2.2.1. Powerful armies

2.2.2. Officials directly under their control

2.2.3. New institutions

2.2.4. Established a court

3. 5. Europe at the end of the 15th century

3.1. The Spanish monarchy

3.2. Portugal, independent until the end of the 16th century

3.3. The French monarchy gained power after the Hundred Years' War

3.4. The English monarchy consolidated itself after the civil war. In the 16th century the Tudor Dynasty came to power.

3.5. The Holy Roman Empire consisted of a multitude of kingdoms and independent territories in the centre of Europe

3.6. Italy remained divided into small principalities and republics

3.7. The Ottoman Empire expanded during the 15th century.

3.8. The Russian monarchy expanded its territories with the conquests of Ivan III the Great in the 15th century.

4. 6. Cultural changes


4.1.1. Copernicus the heliocentric hypothesis. This said that the Earth revolved round the Sun and not vice versa.

4.2. At the beginning of the Early Modern Age there were also significant developments in thinking and science. Ideas spread rapidly due to an extremely important invention: the printing press.


4.3.1. Interest in classical culture

4.3.2. human beings became the centre of philosophical reflection and artistic creation.

4.3.3. Optimism and creativity

4.3.4. The desire for knowledge

4.3.5. Critical thinking

4.4. The use of vernacular languages

4.5. New ideas spread rapidly

4.5.1. The invention of the movable-typep rinting press by Gutenberg.

4.5.2. The creation of cultural institutions.

5. 1. Humanism and Renaissance

5.1. Start in 1453

5.2. End in 1789 with french revolution

5.3. Humanism

5.3.1. Cultural movement characterised by the revival of classical culture

5.4. Anthropocentrism, optimism and reativity, desire for knowledge and critical thinking.

6. 2. Economic trasformation

6.1. Increased agricultural production.

6.1.1. No technological advances

6.2. Intensified commercial activity

6.3. Expansion of craftsmanship

6.4. Voyages of exploration

6.4.1. New lands, new products were brought to Europe.

7. 7. The italian renassance

7.1. Artists could dedicate themselves exclusively to creation because they were maintained by patrons, who paid them for their work.

7.2. This artistic style was called Renaissance because there was a revival of Classical Greek and Roman culture.

7.2.1. The arrival in Italy of Greek scholars

7.2.2. The abundance of Roman remains

7.3. Phases of the renassance

7.3.1. Trecento Giotto

7.3.2. Quattrocento Harmony and proporcion

7.3.3. Cinquecento Rome became the artistic centre

7.3.4. Mannerism Harmony and proportion were abandoned

7.4. Architecture

7.4.1. Domes

7.4.2. Colums

7.4.3. Semi-circular arches

7.4.4. Triangular pediments, friezes, geometric designs and scrolls.

7.4.5. Longitudinal and central-plan (circular, square, Greek cross)

7.5. Painting and sculpture

7.5.1. Paniters and sculptors tried to reflect reality. At the same time, influenced by the ideas of Greek philosopher Plato, they aimed to portray an ideal beauty.

7.5.2. The Italian painters and sculptors were interested in the anatomy of the human body. They revived the nude as a subject, which had been abandoned in the Middle ages.

7.5.3. The search for balance and proportion.

7.5.4. New subjets Mythological theme. More portraits were painted due to the increase in demand from nobles, clergy and the upper bourgeoisie. Nature, landscapes and buildings.