Fake News Research
by Holly Finch
1. Example: Sean Spicer (White House Press Secretary)
2. Sensationalised
3. Made-up
4. Lie
5. Persuasion
6. Hoax
7. Chinese whispers
8. Experts?
9. Broadcast
10. Media?
11. Who is responsible?
12. Spin? Propaganda?
13. What is it?
14. Alt-facts
15. Search engines and social media blocking fake news ads
16. Ethical?
17. Newspapers
18. Algorithms
19. Do we trust...
20. What is a PR's role to tackle issue?
21. Correct experts?
22. No spin?
23. Correct facts?
24. Different content strategy?
25. Different audiences?
26. Nothing?
27. Social Media?
28. Filter bubble
29. Do we see everything?
30. PR professionals?
31. Media?
32. Academics?
33. Friends and family?
34. CEOs?
35. NGOs?
36. Politicians?
37. Impact on PR sector?
38. Impact on clients/customers?
39. Like-minded content