Utopia- Thomas More

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Utopia- Thomas More by Mind Map: Utopia- Thomas More

1. Overview

1.1. Thomas More's Utopia is a christian humanist view of an ideal society.

1.2. More does not simply offer a theoretical view, but provides specifics for how to create this world.

1.3. utopia offers a christianized form of Plato's Republic.

2. Utopia- The last great christian synthesis of the Renaissance

2.1. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is Christ's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden.

2.2. The Platonic, republican tradition is the Greek aspect of the synthesis.

2.3. More wrote utopia with a comedic tone, allowing him to speak his truth while telling a deeper story.

3. 7. How do they find happiness?

4. New node

5. 1. Use of humor & parody

5.1. Utopia means no where. Saying it doesn't exist.

6. 2. Property divided in utopia? Affect society?

6.1. 30 household grouped and called "stye".

6.2. 10-16 adults in each house.

6.3. Population even. No over population.

7. 3. Working life in utopia

7.1. Agriculture

7.2. Must learn one trade.

7.3. Men equal work ad women.

7.4. Simplistic

7.5. Work 6 hours a day.

8. 4. Why does it use slavery?

8.1. Every family should have 2 slaves.

8.2. Either criminals or from other countries.

8.3. Released by good behavior.

9. 5. Government

9.1. Influential to communism

10. 6. how is it a social critique of great britain?

10.1. Calls where british live a stye. Pigs live in sties. Calling them pigs.

10.2. Social critique of how honest people are in Europe.