1. Scanning
1.1. rapidly covers a great of material in order to locate a specific fact or piece of information
1.1.1. A. scanning is very useful for finding a specific name, date, statistic, or factwitheut reading the entire article
1.1.2. B. steps in scannin an article 1. keep in mind at all times what it is you are searchig for. if you hold the image of the word or idea clearly in mind, it is likely to appear more claarly than the surronding words 2. anticipate in whas form the information is likely to appear numbers, proper nouns 3. analyze the organization of the content before starting to scan. - if material is familiar or fairly brief, you may be able - if the material is lengthy or difficult, a preliminary skimming may be necessary to determine which part of the article to scan 4. let your eyes run rapidly over several lines of print at a time when you fing the sentence that bes the information you seek, read the entire sentence
1.1.3. C. in scanning, you must be willing to skip over large sections of text without reading or undertanding them
1.1.4. D scnning can be done at 1500 or more words per minute
2. Skimming
2.1. is a mothod of rapidly movin the eyes over text with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of the content
2.1.1. A- skimming is useful in tree different stuations 1. pre-reading--skimming is more of text to be read later and can give a more accurate of text to be read later 2. reviewing-- skimming is useful for reviewing tex already reag 3. reading-- skimming is most often used for quickly raading material that, for any number or reasons, does not need more deleiled attention
2.1.2. B- steps in skimming an article 1. read the title-- it is the shortest possible summary of the conteng 2. read the introduction or lead-in paragraph 3. read the first paragragh complety 4. it there are sugheading, read each one, looking for relationships among them 5. read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph a,the main idea of most paragraphs apperars in the first sentence b. if the author´t pettern is to begin with a question or anecdote, you may find the last sentence more valuable 6. dip into the text looking for: a. cluewords that answer who. what, when, why, how b. proper nouns c. unusual words, especially it capitalized d. enumenations e. qualifying adjectives (best, worst, most, etc) f. typographical cues--italics, boldface, underlining, asterisks, etc 7. read the final paragraph complety
2.1.3. C. mastering the art of smming effective requieres that you use it as frequenthy as possible
2.1.4. D. skimming can usually be accomplished at about 1000 words per minute