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Climate Change por Mind Map: Climate Change

1. Bibliography


2. Paragraph 1

2.1. climate change is a change in climate patterns due to the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere put there by fossil fuels. this is very important for everyone to know because that information we can use to help with this problem. because we are the next generation we can do something about it which is why it is good to educate us about this big problem.

3. Paragraph 2

3.1. Climate change will effect all of us.

4. Paragraph 1 - The introduction - Define climate change, why is it occurring and why is this an important topic to study. Paragraph 2 - How will climate change impact your lives? Do think about the types of food you will and wont be able to buy and health as there could be an increase in diseases such as malaria as there will be more mosquitoes. Paragraph 3 - What activities will you now be able to do or not in Europe or your place of birth. Paragraph 4 - How the increase in natural hazards could effect how we live our lives. Think about the extra planning for disasters you may have to do, or the fact that you may be forced to migrate. Paragraph 5 - Conclusion - Summarise the impact of climate change and make suggestions of what could be done to slow down the rate of climate change.

5. causes

5.1. change by 1°

5.1.1. one degree doesn't sound like a lot, but these are things that could happen in just a one degree warmer world. scientists estimate that by 2100 a third of the worlds fresh water will be gone.

5.1.2. the amazon was so low some of it turned into sand dunes. a tribe on that river had to get the army to bring precois drinking water by helicopter

5.1.3. warming at the pole is two times faster than any where else. the arctic has lost 400 cubic kilometers in 40 years.

5.2. causes are greenhouse gases/fossil fuels

6. consequences

6.1. one degree doesn't sound like a lot, but these are things that could happen in just a one degree warmer world. scientists estimate that by 2100 a third of the worlds fresh water will be gone.

6.1.1. the amazon was so low some of it turned into sand dunes. a tribe on that river had to get the army to bring precois drinking water by helicopter

6.1.2. warming at the pole is two times faster than any where else. the arctic has lost 400 cubic kilometers in 40 years.

6.1.3. one degree doesn't sound like a lot, but these are things that could happen in just a one degree warmer world. scientists estimate that by 2100 a third of the worlds fresh water will be gone.

6.1.4. List - very high sea levels - increased sea temature leading to more hurricanes - new york mabye hit by a huge one with major flooding of lower places - more heat waves with lots of droughts - spain suffered the worst drought since the early 1900 - a lot of forest fires because air is dry and trees will be burned and trees are key to help that CO2 disapear because they produce oxygen - longer fire season - water stress where people do not have enough water - 250 million people will be effected by water stress - cow farts are causing 18% because they produce methan gas - by the end of the century the world could be three degrees higher - if greenland keeps meltig thensea level will be higher -

7. management

7.1. BUILD wind farms or solarpanels to get energy. spain is using solar panels. Uk is making wind farms. Iceland is making cars that run on Hydrogen. the cars leak water. China is using magnet trains. artifitial trees are made of plastic that absorbes heat. launch mirrors into space. launchsolfate could destroy ozon layer.