1. Mathematics
1.1. Measurement and Geometry
1.1.1. Location and transformation Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps (ACMMG090) 1): Map making and directions. Using the descriptions available in the book, the students are to design a map of the Forrest. They must include a written legend and at least 6 steps to get from one landmark to another.
1.2. Number and algebra
1.2.1. Number and place value Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts (ACMNA075) 2): Animal multiplications. Students will answer the multiplication sums provided on various pages throughout the text. they must read through the entire book, write down all of the applicable multiplication sums (up to 10x10) and then answer them to the best of their abilities.
1.2.2. Patterns and algebra Explore and describe number patterns resulting from performing multiplication (ACMNA081) 3): Animal Multiplication Patterns. Students are to read the text and pay particular attention to the multiplication facts in the corners. What do they notice about them as the pages progress (they decline by 1 each time) and why do they think the multiplication is decreasing each time (related to the theme of the book, deforestation).
2. Science
2.1. Science understanding
2.1.1. Biological sciences Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) 1): Create a lifecycle. Students are to choose one of the fictional animals that are present within the text. They are then to create a fiction life cycle of these animals and write a short 2 - 3 paragraphs about this fictional life cycle. It should include how its born (hatch from and egg etc.) its average life span and how it survives (what foods does it eat, is it a hunter?) Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073) 2): How do the animals help each other?. Students are to create a short 2-3 paragraph story on how the fictional animals in the Forrest get along and how they help each other survive and maintain the Forrest's economy.
2.2. Science as a human endeavour
2.2.1. Use and influence of science Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062) 3): The effect of the townspeople. Using the students prior knowledge of negative environmental impacts, pollution and greenhouse gasses. They are to write a short story on how they think the towns people effected the Forrest negatively and how their impact may have caused the demise of the Forrest. The students should draw from the theme and the narrative of the book to get their answers.
3. Humanities and Social Sciences
3.1. Geography
3.1.1. The Earth's environment sustains all life The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected (ACHASSK088) 1): Become and environmental helper. Students are to be split into pairs and come up with a 3 point plan on how they would help protect the Forrest found within the text. The main emphasis should be put on slowing down the development of buildings and not cutting down so many trees.
3.2. History
3.2.1. First contacts Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, and their experiences following arrival (e.g. treatment of convicts, daily lives, social order) (ACHASSK085) 2): Uno's first fleet. Writing from the perspective of the character Uno, students are to write a few journal entries based around his move into the forrest, Things to include are: why did he move? what was it like when he first got there? and what were some of the first things he did once he arrived (look for food and water, set up shelter etc.)
3.3. Questioning and researching
3.3.1. Identify current understanding of a topic (e.g. brainstorm, KWL chart) 3): Brainstorm your knowledge. Students are to break off into group of 4, and brainstorm/ create a KWL chart. The chart is to be created and based around the theme of the book (deforestation and urban sprawling). The chart must include a section on what they already know. What they would like to learn more about. And what they actually have learned from the book.
4. The Arts
4.1. Visual arts
4.1.1. Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas (ACAVAM112) 1): Design your own animal. Students are to create and design their own animals to fit into the Forrest with the others found in the text. Once they have create the design they must then give the animal a unique name, describe what its eats and what kind of climate it enjoys being around.
4.2. Music
4.2.1. Create, perform and record compositions by selecting and organising sounds, silence, tempo and volume (ACAMUM086) 2): Create your own song. Students are to be split into groups of 4 and together they are to come up with a song that promotes a positive environmental message and could help save the Forrest from its destruction. Students are encourage to be as creative as possible with the lyrics of the song and are expected to have full participation from all members of the party.
5. Technologies
5.1. Digital technologies
5.1.1. Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems (ACTDIP009) 1): Create your own spreadsheet. Using the information and data provided within the text of how many of a particular plant are on each page. Students are to create a comprehensive spreadsheet of this data (using microsoft excell or any other similar software), indicating a total of all plants found within the book, a running total of plants found on each page and which pages these plants can be found on.
6. Health and Physical Education
6.1. Personal, social and community health
6.1.1. Research own heritage and cultural identities, and explore strategies to respect and value diversity (ACPPS042) 1): Creating a heritage. Students are tasked with writing and creating a heritage background of the unnamed race of people found within the book Uno's garden. They must include: How long they have been in existence, What are some of their traditional practices (special events, foods etc.) and how do they communicate with each other (create a unique dialect).
7. English
7.1. Language
7.1.1. Text structure and organisation Understand how texts are made cohesive through the use of linking devices including pronoun reference and text connectives (ACELA1491) 1): Plot profile: After the reading of the text students can create a plot profile. This creates a brainstorm for sequences of events that happen throughout the text. The students are to link the major events to one another that happen throughout the reading, this can include key themes and ideas that can help gain context of the story. For example the Snortlepig stops appearing ¾ of the way through the book, and that links directly to the overall theme of the book (deforestation). Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience (ACELA1490) 2): Main idea pyramid: Students are given a blank pyramid outline. The idea is to fill the pyramid spaces with the key concepts and ideas that help create the narrative of the text. With the top of the pyramid being the main idea/ theme of the book and the bottom being the starting point for what puts the book in motion. For example, the tip of the pyramid may be the theme of deforestation and the base of the pyramid could be Uno travelling to the Forrest to live there.
7.2. Literature
7.2.1. Creating Literature: Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining (ACELT1607) 1): Connecting with the text: The teacher will give the students a sheet that has questions such as: Reading this book reminded me of the time:, the character of Uno reminds me of:, What helped me to understand this text. After the students have read the book, they will then fill out the worksheet as it relates to their own personal preferences. The teacher will be looking specifically for student’s ability to make connections between their personal lives and the text. The activity allows for the students to create greater connections to the text and can enable them to enjoy the text more.
7.2.2. Responding to literature Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view(ACELT1603) 2): Before and after chart: The students will be tasked with creating a before and after chart based upon reading and reflecting on the text. The before section could also be called what do I already know, and the after section could also be called what have I learned. The topic the students will have to work with is deforestation and urban sprawling. The students will be given time beforehand to fill out as much information as they know about the topic, then upon completion of the text reading the student will fill out what they have learned. Key ideas for the students to pick up are things such as: Removal of trees and how it effects the environment, The increase of the “concrete jungle” and how it impacts the environment and the effect that all of this can have on the animals that inhabit these areas. Students will share their findings with the class and what they learned throughout the stories progression
7.2.3. Examining Literature Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers’ interest by using various techniques, for example character development and plot tension (ACELT1605) 3): Just like: Students will be given a worksheet that is called just like. They will then be given a character (in this case Uno) and will have to select certain character traits that this selected character exhibits throughout the text. The students will then fill out the sheet relating the character traits to people they know in their day to day lives. Such as the character trait of kindness is just like my grandfather. The students can also relate these character traits to another character they have come across in a literary text E.g. comparing character traits such as bravery or compassion to a character like harry potter.
7.3. Literacy
7.3.1. Interpreting, analysing, evaluating Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing and evaluating texts (ACELY1692) 1): Personal predictions: Students will read the front and the back covers of the book Uno’s Garden. They will then make predictions about the outcome of the book based on this information. Information will be gathered from the blurb on the back cover, the title of the book and the front cover image. Specific predictions that the teacher may be looking can include: what will happen to the main character Uno? What will happen to all the animals? What will happen to the Forrest? Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (ACELY1690) 2): Character self-portrait: Students will create a character self-portrait using the character of Uno. The self-portrait can include a creative illustration of the character and character traits. Things such as Likes/ dislikes, favourite food, where the character lives. The idea is to create further comprehension and understanding that can be drawn from the text.
7.3.2. Interacting with others Use interaction skills such as acknowledging another’s point of view and linking students’ response to the topic, using familiar and new vocabulary and a range of vocal effects such as tone, pace, pitch and volume to speak clearly and coherently (ACELY1688) 3): Animals point of view: Students will write a journal entry from the point of view of one of the animals found within the text. The concept and general idea is to be able to apply the effect of the deforestation and urban sprawling and have the students understand the environmental impacts. They can also further empathise with the theme of the book by being able to see from the animal’s point of view.