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bhq videos by Mind Map: bhq videos

1. free hook

1.1. cover all chapters in report

1.2. special 3 2 1 blog post

1.3. 10 things to do before blog post

1.3.1. good title

1.3.2. picture free digital optimize the image with keywords

1.3.3. plugins comluv/digg digg/sexy bookmarks etc

1.3.4. interlink posts / track back / link love

1.3.5. call to action how do you do it? use previous comments in post

1.3.6. sub heads / bit bold

1.3.7. check links dont say click here - use al text

1.3.8. correct category permalink

1.3.9. preview it / give it the chop!

1.3.10. how will this help my readers

1.3.11. shcedule or hit publish is right day - best traffic day mon tue wed - is it a holiday?

1.4. 10 things to do after blog post

1.4.1. site biting your nails for mins ha ha

1.4.2. check it fed facebook / twitter etc

1.4.3. blog carnival

1.4.4. imautomator social marker social monkey

1.4.5. email out wait for comments - not too many wants subs see first personal emails too!

1.4.6. New node

1.4.7. ping it pingler

1.4.8. can i do a follow up post (cover in 321)

1.4.9. share it pixel pipe / ping fm etc

1.4.10. reply to comments / blog hop back

1.4.11. thank people who retweet

1.4.12. thank people who share / like on fb

1.4.13. if post has video have i distributed syndiated it if not - can i make a video did i offer a transcript

1.4.14. can i create article + submit from post

1.4.15. set up google alert

1.4.16. search com luv

1.4.17. check stats

1.4.18. update fb twitter status etc

1.4.19. schedule tweets

1.4.20. update forum

1.4.21. Wisestamp for Gmail

1.4.22. do a guest post!

1.4.23. podcast

2. Grave Digger

2.1. Old blogs you have pre-approved comments on

3. Lost Souls

3.1. blogs with no traffic, regular posts no comments

4. piggyback

4.1. use other blog hoppers to do the hard work for you

5. follow up frenzy

5.1. thank me later, comm redirect, follow up comments, subscrvber to comments

6. Feed me now

6.1. Feedburner, wwsgd

7. easy lover

7.1. tweetmeme, comluv, twitteradd, tweet old post, fb like / share

7.2. New node

8. traffic stealer

8.1. trackback traffic traffic stealer - google alerts

9. blog finder

9.1. com luv search, google alertts, dom follow, yt alerts, do follow

10. link jackpot

10.1. top comms, do follow, recent comms, comluv and keyword luv

11. 2nd time lucky

11.1. what if revisit and no new blog post

12. 80/20 rule

12.1. google analytics

12.2. alex story about make more friends in 3 months by paying attention them

13. Guest posting

13.1. give david interview

14. enticing titles

14.1. rhyme site

15. perfect timing to blog hop

15.1. right after blog post

15.2. after your own comment to a blog post

16. blog commandments

16.1. 5 normal commandments

16.2. 5 special commandments

17. 3 in 1

17.1. create a product from 3 blog posts

18. recap blog post

18.1. highlight your previous posts

19. 5 things blog post need

19.1. pic

19.2. link back

19.3. humor

19.4. event based

19.5. truth / your story

20. 1st comm

20.1. gotta get it ! - rss + email

21. auto fill

21.1. use firefox / google auto fill to save time

22. repeat comms

22.1. reply to all comments!

23. finding commentators

23.1. top comms+busy blog posts+traff plugins

24. get blog ready

24.1. optin works + tested

24.2. have right pages (about, contact, affs, products, videos, photos)

24.3. essential plugins

24.4. comments WORK!

25. recap

25.1. inspire peeps to take ACTION!!!