Risk-Taking "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think i...

Cornflake image source: Flickr.com izaeus Microwave image source: Flickr.com jmv Silly Putty image source: Flickr.com unloveablesteve Post-It Notes image source: Flickr.com emacex Saccharin image source: Flickr.com slopjop Slinky image source: Flickr.com Jon McGovern Potato Chip image source: Flickr.com CoreForce Fireworks image source: Flickr.com SJ Photography Playdoh image source: Flickr.com Giantsqurl

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Risk-Taking "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. " Cadet Maxim por Mind Map: Risk-Taking                   "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. "        Cadet Maxim

1. Microwave Oven

2. Post-It Notes

3. Slinky

4. Fireworks

5. Beginning Levels

5.1. Encourage student to take a risk at trying something new from the lunch menu.

5.2. Provide opportunities for students to take a risk with sharing something new in class.

5.3. Encourage risk taking through providing opportunities for students to ask a new friend to play during recess.

5.4. Provide opportunities for taking turns while playing a group game in class.

6. Medium Levels

6.1. Use mathematics class or economics class to have a Stock-Market simulation in which students' must learn to take-risks with their money.

6.2. Take risks using persuasive writing to request something from someone.

6.3. Providing opportunities for students to read to perform a task and completing the task.

6.4. Providing opportunities for student to write to inform of how to do something they know how to do and put it into the form of a "How-to" book.

7. Use the images of the 'accidental discoveries' above to discuss how risk-taking has successfully impacted our world today.

8. Corn Flakes

9. Silly Putty

10. Saccharin

11. Potato Chips

12. Play-doh

13. Challenging Levels

13.1. Encourage students to sign-up for a sport or after-school activity that is new to them and remain committed for at least 8 weeks.

13.2. Assign a new tool within technology to be used for a classroom presentation

13.3. Provide opportunities for students to explore a math concept using 2 different strategies and to explain their thinking.

13.4. Reading a book and orally retelling the story in sequence.

13.5. Have students share projects/presentations to other classes.