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Google Drive by Mind Map: Google Drive

1. Teacher Roles

1.1. Google Classroom

1.1.1. Calendars

1.1.2. Activities

1.1.3. Announcements

1.1.4. Data Collection

1.2. Organization

1.2.1. Color coordinating

1.2.2. Folders and Subfolders

1.3. Availability

1.3.1. One-to-one

1.3.2. Cost

1.4. Student Work

1.4.1. Show Recent Changes

1.5. Collaboration

1.5.1. Shared Folders

1.5.2. Efficient

1.6. Design Instruction

1.6.1. Develop Collaborative Group Projects

1.6.2. Publish Student Work

1.6.3. Create Google Drive Courses

1.7. Assessments

2. Teacher Assessment

2.1. Formative Assessment

2.1.1. Written Reflections

2.1.2. Polls/ Surveys

2.1.3. Multiple Choice, True/False Questions

2.2. Interim Assessment

2.2.1. Chapter Tests

2.2.2. Extended Essays

2.2.3. Projects

2.3. Summative Assessment

2.3.1. Cumulative Final

2.3.2. Research Projects

2.3.3. Presentations

2.3.4. Portfolios

3. Learning Goals

3.1. Advancing technology skills

3.1.1. Increases knowledge of online tools through a variety of formats

3.2. Collaborate with others

3.2.1. Invite others to view, comment, or edit on any of your files/ folders

3.2.2. Compatible with Gmail and google photos

3.2.3. Able to share documents and files

3.2.4. Enhances times management and group work ethic

3.3. Ability to use a variety of formats

3.3.1. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Drawings

3.3.2. All similar to Microsoft Able to save and easily share documents all within Google Drive

3.4. Students are engaged in 21st century learning

3.4.1. Continually using different forms of technology

3.4.2. Acquiring, analyzing, and synthesizing information in productive, modern way

3.4.3. Ability to share information with others quickly and easily

4. Learning Activities

4.1. Science and Math Spreadsheets

4.1.1. Organization skills

4.1.2. Measurements and recording

4.2. Slideshows

4.2.1. Chronological organization

4.2.2. Teach and present an idea in different ways (i.e. text, photos, imbedded videos, etc.)

4.3. Surveys/Forms

4.3.1. Surveying skills

4.3.2. Learn from others' experiences and accept them.

4.3.3. Scientific writing skills (How to word questions correctly and without bias)

4.4. Illustrations

4.4.1. Technology skills to enhance presentation

4.4.2. Geometry skills

4.4.3. Creativity skills

4.5. Website Builder

4.5.1. Present information in a clear, concise manner

4.5.2. Collect information to present in one place

4.6. Maps

4.6.1. Geography knowledge

4.6.2. Directional skills

4.6.3. Can be incorporated into culture lessons (i.e. find a country on the map and learn about its culture and history