Operating System Services
by Uthayan Sivakumar

1. Layered Approach
1.1. Advantage
1.1.1. simplicity of construction & debugging
1.2. Disadvantage
1.2.1. less efficient
2. OS Design & Goal
2.1. The design of the system will be affected by the choice of hardware & the type of system
2.2. User goals
2.3. System goals
3. Microkernel
3.1. Small OS core
3.2. External Subsystems
3.2.1. device drivers
3.2.2. file systems
3.2.3. virtual memory manager
3.2.4. windowing system
3.2.5. security services
3.3. Benefits
3.3.1. extensibility
3.3.2. flexibility
3.3.3. reliability
3.3.4. portabalitity