What comes to mind when you think about Latin America?

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What comes to mind when you think about Latin America? par Mind Map: What comes to mind when you think about Latin America?

1. comeda

1.1. mole

1.2. tacos

1.3. maiz

2. lengua

2.1. espanol

2.2. adjectivo

2.2.1. aburrido

3. lugar

3.1. el mar

3.1.1. barco

3.1.2. pescar

3.2. el hotel

3.2.1. empleado

3.3. tropico

3.3.1. selva

3.3.2. cascada

4. el paises

4.1. mexico

4.2. espana

4.3. argentina

4.4. bolivia

4.5. brasil

5. deportes

5.1. futbol americano

5.2. futbol

5.2.1. espana favorito

5.3. beisboll

5.4. baloncesto