1. Race of family in society
1.1. Who could have an education back then
1.1.1. talk about in segregation How was the education for the african americans different from Caucasians
1.2. woman couldn't have an education til later on in the year.
1.2.1. when the men had to leave for war women usually stuck doing house work
1.3. How is education different in every country?
2. Educational system different now than it was back then?
2.1. How do you think kids are doing now? is it easier??
2.2. What we are required to take now and what they were required to take back then.
2.2.1. credits needed
2.2.2. what they could take
2.2.3. how many periods they had in highschool?
3. What's still the same in our education?
3.1. We still learn the same information
3.1.1. now, we just have more history and things required to know and learn
3.2. same core classes to take
3.2.1. math algebra geometry calculus and more.
3.2.2. science physical science biology anatomy
3.2.3. english required to take every year
3.2.4. History civics american government
4. The changes in Society
4.1. Change in technology
4.1.1. computers
4.1.2. helping programs
4.1.3. have mp3, ipods, ipad, etc
4.1.4. Phones has internet it's like having a small computer but portable. texting
4.2. Added more new things to our education
4.2.1. more information we need to be aware of.
4.2.2. take tests that was not required before to take.
4.2.3. become more harder
4.3. Programs (makes kids now more harder to focus on school work
4.3.1. Myspace
4.3.2. facebook
4.3.3. twitter
5. Educational System back then
5.1. did they have pre-ap/ ap classes that they could take
5.2. were they all in the same class for all their core classes?
5.3. How did the students do on tests
5.3.1. were their difficulties in learning the concepts?
5.3.2. what tests did they have to take (for ex. we have to take EOC, Tli, etc.)