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RV_TechnicalDesignDocument by Mind Map: RV_TechnicalDesignDocument

1. Goal

1.1. 3 different platforms

1.1.1. VR Content Creation Front End for Mobile capture device Is this an internal-only tool or is this a public tool for everyone to be able make a VR experience of their home? THETA RICOH PLUS (360 camera) link these images together

1.1.2. Dashboard / Back office for Realtors ?

1.1.3. Front End Web See above discussion Mobile experience Will it be for commercial use in a company based subscription? Anyone can create an account

1.2. Dashboard / Back office to manage all the VR photos, sound, and information

1.2.1. This will then be on a different database where other services will be able to pull data from here

1.2.2. Creation of public API Requirements Authentication Privilege to different data Privacy Concerns Who can get access to this data? Does this data remain in the database forever? What if data is used outside of its intended purpose? How much of the data is accessible? Possible solution, upon creation of the VR experience, customer/user can allow and disallow access to the data via dashboard.

2. Goal interpretation #3 internal with account based subscription?

2.1. All the VR is created in house

2.2. App and Web services are available to everyone via account

2.3. accounts require subscription, therefore only the real-estate people will purchase such subscription to embed 3D VR into their website, and have access to an app that will have their logo/brand image upon login.

2.3.1. What if only 1 business buys such license/subscription and everyone else leeches from that business. ie. Realtor Company A purchases such service, so now they have 3DVR in their website. Realtor Company B,C,D and E access their website for the 3DVR experience for free.

3. Goal interpretation #2 internal only

3.1. All the VR creation is created in house

3.2. All the VR experiences require our devices / software bundle

3.3. Devices will be either iPhone / Samsung smart phone with custom app

3.4. Outside users will not be able to download such app

3.5. Begs the question, so where will you be showing these experiences? Who will show them to you? How will they show them to you? And will buyer require to go here to experience every time?

3.5.1. This means that buyers will not be able to go home and browse these experiences in their own time.

4. Server Technology

4.1. Server Side languages

4.2. Database

4.2.1. MySQL

4.3. Hosting

4.3.1. AWS

5. Web Technologies

5.1. Google's VR Viewer

5.1.1. Open Source

5.1.2. Easy to use

5.1.3. Easy to host on your own server

5.1.4. Ability to use hotspots vrView.addHotspot('dining-room', { pitch: 30, // In degrees. Up is positive. yaw: 20, // In degrees. To the right is positive. radius: 0.05, // Radius of the circular target in meters. distance: 2 // Distance of target from camera in meters. }); The default center of view is at (0, 0). The pitch range is [-90,90] with positive values corresponding to up. The yaw range is [-180, 180] with positive values corresponding to the right. https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.oculus.com/website/2013/05/oculus_head_model.jpg

5.2. PlayCanvas

5.2.1. https://playcanvas.com/plans

5.2.2. Supports Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR

5.3. babylon.JS

5.4. WebVR

5.5. aframe.io

5.5.1. https://aframe.io/examples/showcase/sky/

5.6. Panotour

5.6.1. Panotour Viewer

5.7. Livepano

5.7.1. (addon to Panotour, give live to virtual tours. ie. it allows videos)

5.8. ForgeJS

5.9. omnivirt

5.9.1. https://www.omnivirt.com

5.10. WondaVR

5.10.1. http://www.wondavr.com

5.11. https://roundme.com

5.12. Guy who makes lots of VR stuff

5.12.1. https://risonsimon.com/days-in-vr/


6.1. gitlab

7. Mobile Technologies