by Irich Rustico
1. Types
1.1. AD
1.1.1. most common type
1.2. VD
1.2.1. multi-infact
1.3. Lewy body disease
1.3.1. common in AD
1.4. Mixed dem
1.4.1. more than one cause
1.5. Parkinson's d
1.5.1. progressive dementia
1.6. Frontotemporal
1.6.1. Pick disease
1.7. Huntington's d
1.7.1. progressive, gene, c4
1.8. Creutzfelt-Jakob d
1.8.1. madcow,transmitted to ppl
1.9. Korsakoff syndrome
1.9.1. chronic, Thiamine (B1) deficiency
1.10. AIDS Dementia complex ADC
1.10.1. HIV-1 infection, CNS conflication
1.11. TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
1.11.1. brain tissue damage, impact
2. Symptoms
2.1. Memory loss
2.2. Communication
2.3. language
2.4. Ability to focus
2.5. reasoning problem
2.6. judgement
2.7. visual perception
3. Diagnosis
3.1. Medical history,physical exam,lab test, behaviour test,CT computed Tomography, PET position emmision tom. other developing scanning tech.
4. treatment
4.1. medication
4.1.1. Rivastigmine, Aricept, Memantigmine, Galantamine
4.1.2. antipsychotic drugs
4.1.3. antidepressant
4.2. therapies
4.2.1. Cognitive stimulation, reality orientation, validation, behaviour therapy
5. Prevalence & Statistic
5.1. 45% greater risk of developing dementia if you smoke
5.2. 65% - diagnosed w/ dem over the age of 65 are women
5.3. 16,000- the no. Ca under the age of 64 living in dementia
5.4. 25,000- no. of new cases of dementia per year
5.5. 56,000- no of canadians w/ dementia cared in hospital
5.6. 564,000-canadians currently living in dementia
5.7. 937,000- no. of canadians who live in disease in 15 yrs.
6. CSW Role
6.1. Identify threats and dangers to the environment and ensures safety of an individuals
6.2. Review medication the person's currently taking.
6.3. support and referral to community and resources
6.4. Identify the family's knowledge about dementia.
6.5. Counselling and communication technique.
6.6. Health teaching and health promotion
8. classification
8.1. Primary
8.1.1. AD/VD
8.2. Secondary
8.2.1. Pathological e.g nutritional, metabolic