Classification of Lexicon

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Classification of Lexicon por Mind Map: Classification of Lexicon

1. Class 4. Concrete life nouns, non-person, They are represented in the contrasted languages by different common collective nouns ( nation). Some of these nouns have in Ukrainian somewhat different properties being used, for example, in singular only (міліція ).

2. Class 5. Collective life nouns They represent species of animals , fish and nouns denoting a mass of some living beings (swarm of bees рій бджіл).

3. Class 6. Concrete, inanimate, uncountable non-person nouns They include all singularia tantum group denoting mass or material as well as different abstract nouns: butter, bread, sugar, oil, snow, sand, silver,gas, glue, steam, soot, etc. They are the same in Ukrainian: залізо, срібло, повітря, паліччя, молоко, білизна, листя, збіжжя, залізяччя, тремтіння, триння, etc.

4. Class 1. Concrete, countable life nouns denoting non-persons. They include animals, birds, beasts of burdon, cattle, livestock, game, wild animals, table birds, flocks and herds, poultry, birds of prey.

5. Class 2. Concrete, countable life nouns denoting persons. These include proper names of people, names of nations (Germans); races (the whites), ancestral and modifying names (leader, керівник/вождь.

6. Class 3. Concrete, countable, non-person, inanimate nouns They represent plant names (cabbage ); names of celestial bodies and atmospheric masses ( sun ); parts of human body ; names of arts ; means of communication ; names of unique unreal bodies (gnome ).

7. Class 7. According to the authors of the semiotic classification of lexicon this class contains numerous and various abstract nouns whose number in the contrasted languages is rather large. Cf. business, information, news, feudalism, thought, thinking, significance, tolerance, etc. Similarly in Ukrainian: гадка, думка, значимість, погляд, вміння, знання, мислення, безробіття, намагання, завзяття, ентузіазм, etc.