Impact of Globalization

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Impact of Globalization by Mind Map: Impact of Globalization

1. Technological

1.1. Transport

1.1.1. E-Commerce

1.2. Communication

1.2.1. Facebook

1.2.2. Twitter

1.2.3. CNN

1.2.4. E-mail

2. Social

2.1. positive

2.1.1. travel & tourism

2.1.2. cohesiveness of families

2.1.3. education develpoment

2.1.4. human rights

2.2. negative

2.2.1. immigration

2.2.2. spread of infectious diseases

2.2.3. pop culture

3. Economic

3.1. Born international organization

3.1.1. World Trade Organization: WTO

3.2. negative

3.2.1. Economic exploitation lowest wages phenomenon poor workers' protection poor health benefits income disparity global economic crash drug trade

3.3. positive

3.3.1. global common market

3.3.2. global access to products great range of products for consumers

3.3.3. increase in global trade and invesment

3.3.4. financial services

4. Environmental

4.1. Positive

4.1.1. Wildlife Protection (NGOs) World Wide Fund for Nature - WWF

4.2. Negative

4.2.1. Increasing population=more consumption Climate Change & Global Warming Greater Pollution and Waste Decline in natural resources

5. Political

5.1. Negative

5.1.1. war

5.1.2. terrorist network

5.2. Positive

5.2.1. democratization in many countries

5.2.2. military development

5.2.3. intergovermemtal organizations

5.2.4. non-intergovermemtal organizations

6. Cultural

6.1. positive

6.1.1. cultural understanding

6.1.2. cross-cultural contacts grow at the high lavel

6.1.3. Evangelism

6.2. negative

6.2.1. Loss of local culture

6.2.2. cultural domination