Adult Literacy in Australia

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Adult Literacy in Australia by Mind Map: Adult Literacy in Australia

1. Good education opportunities

1.1. Highly qualified teachers

1.2. Good facilities

1.2.1. Technology Computers Smart Boards

1.3. Public and private schools

1.4. Universities for people to specialise in certain areas of work

2. School is compulsory

2.1. All kids of a certain age in Australia are in school

2.1.1. May enjoy school and later go to university

2.1.2. Children and Adults have a basic education

3. Understand the importance of going to school

3.1. Want to get a job and have a career

3.1.1. Well-paid jobs require a good education

3.2. Younger kids enjoy learning new things

4. Have the time to go to school/university

4.1. Do not need to work on farms as a child

4.1.1. Parents have well paid jobs

4.2. Must attend school/university if they want a well paid job