Vago and Social Change

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Vago and Social Change by Mind Map: Vago and Social Change

1. Spheres of Change

1.1. The Family

1.2. Population

1.3. Stratification

1.4. Power Relations

1.5. Education

1.6. The Economy

1.7. Summary

2. Duration of Change

2.1. From a Historical Perspective

2.2. Transitory Social Changes

2.3. Fads and Fashions

2.4. Lifestyles

2.5. Cults

2.6. Summary

3. Reactions to Change

3.1. Social Stimulants

3.2. Psychological Stimulants

3.3. Cultural Stimulants

3.4. Economic Stimulants

3.5. Resistance to Change

3.6. Social Barriers

3.7. Psychological Barriers

3.8. Cultural Barriers

3.9. Economic Barriers

3.10. Summary

4. Impact of Change

4.1. Social Impact of Technology

4.2. Responses to Change

4.3. Social Change and Disorganization

4.4. Unintended Consequences

4.5. Coping with Change

4.6. Summary

5. Dimensions and Sources of Change

6. Theories of Change

6.1. Evolutionary Theories

6.2. Conflict Theories

6.3. Structural-Functional Theories

6.4. Social-Psychological Theories

6.5. Summary

7. Patterns of Change

7.1. Evolution

7.2. Diffusion

7.3. Acculturation

7.4. Revolution

7.5. Modernization

7.6. Industrialization

7.7. Urbanization

7.8. Bureaucratization

7.9. Summary

8. Costs of Change

8.1. Economic Costs

8.2. Social Costs

8.3. Psychological Costs

8.4. Summary

9. Strategies of Change

9.1. Targets, Agents, and Methods of Planned Social Changes

9.2. Violence

9.3. Nonviolence and Direct Action

9.4. Social Movements

9.5. Law and Social Change

9.6. Summary