My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Vision

1.1. 1.Traditional

1.2. 2. Progressive

2. Perspective

2.1. 1. Conservative

2.2. 2. Liberal

2.3. 3. Radical

3. Ch. 3- History Of Education

3.1. Reform Movement

3.1.1. 1.Progressive

3.1.2. 2.Traditional

3.1.3. 3.Rise of the Common School

3.2. Historical Interpretation

3.2.1. 1. Democratice-Liberal School

3.2.2. 2. Radical- Revisionist School

3.2.3. 3. Conservative Perspective

4. Ch. 2- Politics Of Education

5. Ch. 4- Sociological Perspectives

5.1. Relationships between School's and Society

5.1.1. 1. Functional Theories

5.1.2. 2. Conflict Theories

5.1.3. 3. Interactional Theories

5.2. Three Effects of Schooling on Individuals

5.2.1. 1.Knowledge & Attiudes

5.2.2. 2.Employment

5.2.3. 3. Education & Mobility

6. Ch.5- Philosophy of Education

6.1. Idealism

6.2. Generic Notions

6.3. Goal Of Edication

6.4. Role of the Teacher

6.5. Methods of Instruction

6.6. Curriculum

6.7. Realism

7. Ch. 6. Schools As Organizations

7.1. 1.Structure of U.S. Education

7.1.1. Private Schools

7.1.2. Student Composition

7.2. 2.Contradictions Of Reform

7.2.1. Teacher Assesment

7.2.2. The Contradiction

7.3. 3. Rich Land Poor School

7.3.1. National Politics & Educational Inequality

7.3.2. Comparative Savage Inequalities

8. Ch. 7 Curriculum & Pedagogy

8.1. 1. Historical Curriculum Theory

8.1.1. Social efficiency

8.1.2. Sociology of the Curriculum

8.2. 2. Politics if a National Curriculum

8.2.1. Neoconservatism & Neoliberalism

8.2.2. Curriculum, Testing & Common Culture

9. Ch. 8 Equality of Opportunity

9.1. 1.Calculating Educational & Life Outcomes

9.1.1. Class

9.1.2. Race

9.1.3. Gender

9.2. 2. Class and the Classroom

9.2.1. Reading Gap

9.2.2. Conversation Gap

9.2.3. Role Gap

9.2.4. Health and Housing Gap

9.2.5. Narrowing the Gaps

10. Ch. 9 Educational Inequality

10.1. 1.Student Centered Explanations

10.1.1. Genetic Differences

10.1.2. Cultural Deprivation

10.1.3. Cultural Difference

10.2. 2. It's Not a Black Thing

10.2.1. Acting White

10.2.2. Sampling Schools

11. Ch. 10 Educational Reform

11.1. 1. School-based Reforms

11.1.1. School Choice

11.1.2. Charter Schools

11.1.3. Tuition

11.2. 2. Reforms

11.2.1. Societal

11.2.2. Community

11.2.3. Economic

11.2.4. Political

11.3. 3. Making this Work

11.3.1. Middle Ground

11.3.2. Whole School