Girls generation

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Girls generation by Mind Map: Girls generation

1. Taeyeon

1.1. Leader

1.2. Main Vocalist

1.3. Supporting Dancer

1.4. Leader of SNSD

1.5. Dory Kid Leader

2. Tiffany

2.1. Lead Voaclist

2.2. Supporting Dancer

3. Yoona

3.1. Supporting Dancer

3.2. Face of the group

4. Jessica

4.1. Main Vocalist

4.2. Supporting Dancer

4.3. Ice Princess

5. Sooyoung

5.1. Supporting Vocalist

5.2. Main Dancer

5.3. Legs of the group

6. Yuri

6.1. Supporting Vocalist

6.2. Main Dancer

7. Sunny

7.1. Lead singer

7.2. Supporting Dancer

8. Seohyun

8.1. Lead Vocalist

8.2. Supporting Dancer

8.3. Maknae

9. Hyoyeon

9.1. Lead dancer

9.2. supporting singer

9.3. dancing queen

9.4. main rapper