Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing by Mind Map: Social Media Marketing

1. Platforms

1.1. Network

1.1.1. Facebook Groups Pages Messenger Bot

1.1.2. Linkedin Groups Pages Profiles Online Resume/CV Endoresements/Testimonials Connections

1.1.3. Twitter

1.2. Blog

1.2.1. Influencers

1.2.2. Guest Blogs

1.3. Forum

1.3.1. Quora

1.4. Instagram

1.5. Whatapp

1.5.1. Messager Bot Automation

1.5.2. Sequences

1.5.3. Payments

1.5.4. Automated Reminders

2. Tools

2.1. Google Alerts

2.2. Google Trends

2.3. Hootsuite

2.4. Moz

2.5. Buzzsumo

3. Ideal Visitors

3.1. Fb Groups

3.2. Linked Groups

3.3. Google Groups

3.4. Who are their influencers

4. Conversations

4.1. Not a 1 way boring conversation

4.2. Multiple people chiming in

4.3. Groups

4.4. Employees

4.5. Government Body.

5. Amplify Your Key Message

5.1. Attracting the right talent

5.2. Testing a new product

5.3. Feedback from customers

5.4. Awareness

5.5. Webinars

5.6. Free Trials

6. Content Formats

6.1. Video

6.1.1. Objective

6.1.2. Create

6.1.3. Optimize

6.1.4. Distribute

6.1.5. Repurpose

6.2. Infograhics

6.3. Articles

6.3.1. Wikihow Websites

6.4. Podcasts/Audio

6.5. Blog Posts

7. Listening Tools

7.1. Respond

7.2. Follow up

7.3. Correct/Rectify

7.4. Build a brand

8. Blogs

8.1. Social Media Examiner

8.2. Neil Patel

8.3. Simplilearn