How To Filter RSS Feeds

All of the tool and services to filter RSS feeds

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How To Filter RSS Feeds by Mind Map: How To Filter RSS Feeds

1. Syndicate Press

1.1. Wordpress plugin

2. RSSFilter

3. OnePipe

4. CaRP Evolution

5. PostRank

6. FeedScrub

6.1. Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.

7. Bayesian Feed Filter

8. Blogsieve

9. FilterMyFeed

10. BlastaCasta

11. FeedRinse

12. Yahoo Pipes

13. AideRSS

13.1. not a precise filter, like FeedRinse, but instead filters posts using social interactions to determine what the crowd has deemed a blog’s best content

13.2. One of the great things about AideRSS, is that its underlying filtering algorithm has been released as a standalone API, meaning that enterprising developers can add social RSS feed filtering to their apps easily

14. FeedZero

15. FeedSifter

15.1. super-simple filtering
