Customer feedback

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Customer feedback by Mind Map: Customer feedback

1. Guidelines

1.1. Anything goes!

1.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

1.3. The Wilder The Better

1.4. Quantity is Quality

1.5. Set a Time Limit

2. Feedback box in website

2.1. Put feedback box in the bottom of the website

2.2. No ongoing cost

2.3. Very easy to do

2.4. Not intrusive

3. SMS survey

3.1. More effective than email survey

3.2. Cost a lot

3.3. Not intrusive

3.4. Can be seen as spammy

4. Mobile push notification survey

4.1. Send push notification through mobile app.

4.2. No cost.

4.3. Easy to do.

4.4. Needs to have mobile app to perform this survey

4.5. Not intrusive to customer.

5. Home survey

5.1. Can be effective in gathering more detailed feedback

5.2. Very costly to hire employees to go to customers house

5.3. Very intrusive

6. Mail survey

6.1. Not effective in today's era

6.2. Very costly

6.3. Not environmentally friendly

6.4. Not intrusive

7. Facebook competitions

7.1. Organize an online Facebook competition to engage customer to take the survey

7.2. Cost varies depending on prize given

7.3. Effective as long as the prize is attractive

7.4. Can acquire lots of feedback in a short time

7.5. Not intrusive on customers

8. Free consultancy

8.1. Give free consultancy survey in exchange of customer feedbacks

8.2. Take a lot of time

8.3. Very effective

8.4. Opportunity cost lost on the consultancy charge

9. Company events

9.1. Create social events for customers to get to know customers better

9.2. Can be costly depending on the venue

9.3. Can be very effective if done correctly

9.4. Not intrusive on customers as they can choose not to go

10. Phone survey

10.1. Call the customers to get feedback

10.2. Costly to make if you have a lots cusomers

10.3. Not easy to do as you need to hire employees to call

10.4. Need a lot of phone lines to perform efficiently

10.5. Very intrusive on customers