Technology and Education: Challenges and Opportunities

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Technology and Education: Challenges and Opportunities por Mind Map: Technology and Education: Challenges and Opportunities

1. Getting Stakeholders on Board

1.1. Students

1.2. Teachers

1.3. Parents

1.4. Admin Team

1.5. School Board

1.6. Union Leaders

2. How to Track Data

2.1. Identify Learning Goals

2.2. Student Performance Data

2.3. Examine Instruction

2.4. Develop Action Plan

2.5. Act and Assess

3. What's it Look Like?

3.1. Infuse Content

3.2. Who's Responsible?

3.3. Who does what?

4. How to Assess

4.1. Rubrics

4.2. Wikis

5. How to Teach it?

5.1. 3 Rs

5.2. 4 Cs