Tata Kelola dan Pengelolaan TI
by Nafilah Novehani
1. Objective
1.1. Benefit Realisation
1.2. Risk Optimisation
1.3. Resource Optimisation
2. Fokus Area
2.1. Value Delivery
2.2. Strategic Alignment
2.3. Risk Management
2.4. Resource Management
2.5. Performance Measurement
3. Framework
3.1. IT. IL
3.2. ISO/IEC 17799
3.3. COSO
3.4. COBIT
4. 7 Enabler Cobit 5
4.1. Prinsip, kebijakan dan framework
4.2. Proses
4.3. Struktur organisasi
4.4. Budaya,
4.5. Informasi
4.6. Layanan
4.7. Orang
5. Vision and Strategy Balance Scorecard
5.1. Financial
5.2. Internal Business Process
5.3. Learning and Growth
5.4. Customer