Personally Liable Devices

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Personally Liable Devices por Mind Map: Personally Liable Devices

1. Benefits

1.1. Cost Savings

1.2. Employee Satisfaction

1.3. Innovative/Agile Image

1.4. Greater Community/Collaboration

1.5. Personal Productivity

2. Driving Trends

2.1. Social

2.1.1. Work/Life Balance

2.1.2. The Personal SysAdmin

2.1.3. Social Connectivity

2.2. Technical

2.2.1. Consumerization of Technology

2.2.2. Pace of Innovation

2.2.3. Pervasive Computing

2.2.4. Pervasive Networking

2.2.5. Standards

3. Risks

3.1. Data Security

3.2. Management Overhead

3.3. Loss of "Scale"