by Monica Alexandra Garcia Clavijo
1. How old are you?
2. I’m 26 years old.
3. When you were born ?
4. Born in the year nineteen ninety and two
5. How much do you weigh ?
6. My weight is seventy five
7. What is your home address ?
8. My address is street forty-seven B south number twenty-three B twenty-one, city Tunal
9. What is your cell phone number?
10. My number is three hundred and thirteen two hundred and fifty-two twenty-four fifty-five
11. What is the number of your house?
12. My number is seven hundred sixty eleven fifty six
13. How many pets do you have ?
14. I have two pets a canary and a dog
15. How many people live in your house ?
16. I live with my family the members are three: my mother, my father, my sister
17. What is your favorite number ?
18. My favorite number is seven, it's my lucky number
19. How many books do you read per year ?
20. I read three books a year, I love reading
21. How much do you pay for your water bill?
22. I pay for the receipt two hundred and fifty-three thousand five hundred pesos