1. You borrow someone’s device (Smart Phone, Laptop etc) from a friend and accidentally break it.
2. Consider the Consequences
2.1. 2. Your friend forgives you but is still angry at you for breaking their item
2.1.1. 1. Your friend realizes that you replaced the item and forgives you, or gets angry at you for not telling them
3. Explore the Alternatives
3.1. 2. Apologise and tell your friend the truth
3.1.1. 1. Don't tell your friend and replace the broken item
4. Identify Your Values
4.1. 2. Your honesty can affect your decision making and can make you tell your friend the truth.
4.1.1. 1. You may not be brave enough but are conscious enough to know that you have to make up for your mistake which can lead you to being dishonest but still be doing something right.
5. Decide and Act
5.1. Steps to achieve a plan:
5.1.1. 1. Call your friend, if you see your friend often, wait until the next time you see them to tell them what happened.
5.1.2. 2. Apologize for breaking the item and explain how much damage has been done and how you broke the item
5.1.3. 3. Offer to fix the broken item if possible or to replace the old one. If you believe that the item costs too much, offer to pay half of the price.
6. Evaluate the Results
6.1. Your decision worked out well, while you had to pay half of the bill for fixing the item, you didn't have to pay the whole bill but still maintained being an honest person.
6.1.1. This decision has affected your life by making you recognize that telling the truth will help you feel much better inside than if you had lied. You have learnt that doing the right things gives much more positive consequences than doing the wrong thing.