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Jurisprudence & Other disciplines создатель Mind Map: Jurisprudence & Other disciplines

1. Jurisprudence + Philosophy

1.1. philosophy is a state of future conjecture

1.2. philosophy should involved hypothecation, presumption and conjecture

1.3. hypothecation related to philosophy in terms of in respect to life, social condition and rights and duties

2. Jurisprudence + Sociology

2.1. study of social problems

2.2. few aspects is common in jurisprudence and sociology

2.3. example : punishment in criminal offence as for the purpose to deter the offence among offender as well as the society

3. Jurisprudence + Economy

3.1. definition : the wealth and resources of a country or region

3.2. economy especially the production and consumption of goods and services

3.3. economy is a very strong force for most decisions made by government, organisations or individuals

4. Jurisprudence + Psychology

4.1. psychology is a scientific study of human mind and its functions

4.2. psychology study especially about the affecting behavior in a given context

5. Jurisprudence + Political science

5.1. political science is a branch of knowledge that deals with systems of government, the analysis of political activity as well as behavior

5.2. the common areas : Constitutional law, International law and Administrative law

6. Jurisprudence includes legal philosophy of law

6.1. philosophy is what ought to be , to know of future

6.2. concept of jurisprudence

6.2.1. legal theory : what was include in legal theory are scope of law (legislation) , how law is enforced (administrative) & how law is decided (judicial aspect)

6.2.2. legal concept : study about certain technical such as justice, morality, personality, property, rights and ownership

7. Jurisprudence as science

7.1. jurisprudence = science / system of knowledge

7.2. social sceince

7.2.1. scientific study of human society and social relationships

7.2.2. critical and analytical study of subject

7.2.3. jurisprudence = science of law

7.3. jurisprudence is not an exact science because:

7.3.1. no teorems and formulae

7.3.2. type of exactness and certainty not found in jurisprudence

7.3.3. experiment in jurisprudence could not give the same result as there are variables such as economic conditions which change from time to time

8. Relevance of jurisprudence

8.1. asks about the existing law

8.2. requires us to make historical anthopological, investigation about the development of law

9. Relevance from British legal system

9.1. the legal system was pragmatic

9.2. no scope on making any comment on the law, could not criticise the law

9.3. nobody was allowed to challenge the law

9.4. judges do not have the freedom to criticize or change the law

9.5. precedent was too strong which decision by higher court precedent on the lower court although it is right or wrong

9.5.1. contarary with European countries (Civil law countries), which teaching of law was different teaching was critical approach was philosophical