1. Summative- to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
1.1. Advantage: Determines achievement, check for understanding
1.2. Disadvantage: Not accurate reflection, too late to correct
1.3. Assessment is of learning since it comes at the end of the lesson or standard
1.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/ Benchmark testing comes at the end of the quarter and tests the previous taught standards
2. Formative- to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.
2.1. Advantage: Not graded so no anxiety, teachers can change teaching and address issues before the end of the unit
2.2. Disadvantage: Takes time, students may not try without a grade
2.3. Assessment for learning because of the near real time assessing of learning and the opportunity to discuss with peers improves the knowledge base or that instant feedback
2.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/ Think-Pair-Share the best use of rhetoric and why?
3. Diagnostic- provide instructors with information about student's prior knowledge and misconceptions before beginning a learning activity.
3.1. Advantage: Cuts down on boredom since teacher will know what students need, gives a baseline before teaching
3.2. Disadvantage: may give a false impression of student's knowledge
3.3. Assessment of learning because it's used before to find strengths and weaknesses.
3.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/Giving students a test of sentences and having them identify the grammatical errors.
4. Self-Assessment- the ability to be a realistic judge of one's own performance.
4.2. Disadvantage: Better for science, takes more time
4.3. Assessment is for learning because students will be reflecting as they are producing so the learning improves while in progress.
4.4. Example: Ninth grade English/ essay writing with a rubric and questions like, look at the transitioning between paragraphs. Do they connect? How can they connect better?
5. Peer Assessment- Students evaluate their peers' work and have their work evaluated by peers.
5.1. Advantage: Provides relevant feedback from peer, encouraged involvement
5.2. Disadvantage: Degraded reliability from peer pressure, reluctance to make judgements
5.3. Assessment is for learning since each assignment would require different feedback
5.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/ Creative writing feedback from peers with questions like, "What was good about the story? What could be improved?"
6. Performance Based- requires students to use high-level thinking to perform, create, or produce something with transferable real-world application. (pg 2)
6.1. Advantage: Can promote student creativity, engages student in active learning
6.2. Disadvantage: Time consuming, grading can be subjective
6.3. Assessment is for learning since there is performance a student is displaying what they learned but also their ability to adapt and advance learning.
6.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/ Writing and oral presentations of valedictorian speeches with powerpoint/keynote slides
7. High-Stakes- Any test used to make important decisions about students, educators, schools, or districts, most commonly for the purpose of accountability.
7.1. Advantage: test results can be used as a tool for progress and learning plans, provide feedback of schools performance
7.2. Disadvantage: teachers lose creativity to teach to the test, can deny diplomas or entrance to college.
7.3. Assessment is of learning since it tracks what a student has learned not how they learn or if they can apply the knowledge.
7.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/ AZ Merits a state standardized test.
8. Portfolio- a systematic collection of student work and related material that depicts a student's activities, accomplishments, and achievements in one or more school subjects.
8.1. Advantage: Performance is based on genuine samples, flexibility in measurement.
8.2. Disadvantage: Requires extra time, bulky and difficult to manage
8.3. Assessment of learning because you are starting with a baseline and setting goals toward progress. These are sequential measurements of progress.
8.4. Example: Ninth Grade English/quarterly writing assignments that display how the student started writing and the improvement through the school year.
9. Authentic- evaluates students' abilities by applying their skills to authentic tasks and projects.
9.2. Disadvantage: informal development of assessment and test validity and reliability
9.3. Assessment of learning because they are displaying what they know already
9.4. Example: Ninth grade English giving a presentation using rhetoric.
10. References: Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Assessments. (Mar 2006). Morningside College. Retrieved from https://www.uta.edu/ier/Resources/docs/AssessmentMethods.pdf Authentic Assessment Overview. (n.d.). Teacher Vision. Retrieved from https://www.teachervision.com/authentic-assessment-overview Diagnostic and Formative Assessment. (April 2017). Starting Point. Retrieved from https://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/assessment/formative.html High-Stakes Test. (Aug 2014). The Glossary of Education Reform. Retrieved from http://edglossary.org/high-stakes-testing/ Peer Assessment. (n.d.). Stanford University. Retrieved from https://teachingcommons.stanford.edu/resources/teaching/evaluating-students/assessing-student-learning/peer-assessment Scherba de Valenzuela, J. (July 2002). Defining Portfolio Assessment. Retrieved from http://www.unm.edu/~devalenz/handouts/portfolio.html Self-Assessment. (Sep 2017). Cornell University. Retrieved from https://www.cte.cornell.edu/teaching-ideas/assessing-student-learning/self-assessment.html What are the Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Standardized Testing?. (2017). Seattle Pi. Retrieved from http://education.seattlepi.com/advantages-authentic-assessment-over-standardized-testing-2893.html What is Performance-Based Assessment?. (2008). Stanford SRN. Retrieved from https://edpolicy.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/events/materials/2011-06-linked-learning-performance-based-assessment.pdf What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?. (n.d.) Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved from https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/assessment/basics/formative-summative.html