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Christianity by Mind Map: Christianity

1. Origins and Founder


1.2. Jesus

1.3. Christianity originated with Jesus who was a Jewish prophet. Jesus and his followers believed he was the son of God. Jesus was crucified and then resurrected the third day after his death which was a proof that he was the son of God.

1.4. Began in Judea which is now present day Israel

1.5. Took many ideas from Zoroastrianism and Judaism

2. Core Beliefs of The Faith

2.1. "By His wounds we are healed."

2.2. He wants to have a personal relation with those who believe, communicating through the Holy Spirit.

2.3. Afterlife is in an eternal kingdom (for those who are sinless; hell for those not)

2.4. Main ideas kept up through the words of the Bible or the church.

2.5. The Bible is the true authoritative word of God

2.6. There is only a single god existing within three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

2.7. Jesus, born of a virgin mother, lived a sinless life. Performed miracles in life, received an atoning death, went through ascension until returning again.

2.8. The blessed hope in the rapture of the church.

2.9. One could only be cleansed of sins through repentance and good deeds.

2.10. Full water immersion as baptism.

3. Sacred Texts

3.1. Bible

3.1.1. New testament: Talks about Jesus and the new covenant

3.1.2. Old testament: Explains God's work on earth before Jesus and the old covanent

4. Where Did it Spread and Why?


4.1.1. This is the spread of Christianity in its early beginnings. It stayed in the Middle Eastern areas, slowly encroaching into Europe.

4.1.2. This map shows the overall spread of Christianity.

4.2. As stated by the Orthodox Christian Network, there are four main reasons to the spread: 1. Social Networking of Intimate attachment. 2. Caring for the sick, widows, and orphans. The movement of helping and caring gave a rise to Christianity as that's part of its core. 3. Standing against adultery, abortion, and infanticide. Many people needed these foundations, especially in adultery, which gave equal punishment between males and females. 4. Theology of love and caring of all those on Earth. True understanding of all.


5.1. The last supper was painted by leonardo da vinci and shows Jesus at the last supper before he was crucified.


6.1. An early christian oil lamp.

7. Political and Social Impacts of Christianity

7.1. Political: Christianity encouraged a powerful public opinion and a largely representative style government. Also, leaders that were Christians tended to be driven to use Jesus as a role model for parts of their leadership.

7.1.1. Social: The Bible showed people the right way to live and act. Christians would take steps to be more intelligent and attentive as well as kind to one another. It also taught equality, that everyone was created that same under one God. It taught that just because everyone isn't equal in talent, wealth, ability, ect, everyone is still made the same. Early Christian Architecture explained | History of architecture