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Hinduism by Mind Map: Hinduism

1. Photo: <img src="" alt="Image result for hindu original artifacts"/>

2. Map of where it spread

3. Core Beliefs

3.1. Truth is Immortal

3.2. The Brahman is everything seen and unseen

3.3. The Vedas has all authority

3.4. Dharma is the ultimate achievement

3.5. Hindu women were seen as minor beings who needed to be controlled by men.

3.6. The goal of the soul is Moksha

3.7. Aman, the individual soul in neither created or destroyed.

3.8. Hinduism is made up of truthfulness, purity , and kindness

3.8.1. Hinduism is seen as a way of life more than a religion.

3.9. Phote Of Art:

4. Political and Social Impact

4.1. Brahmin is the highest class which consists of priests that give religious advice.

4.2. Punishment by government was legal but often used because of the belief that violence and killing was unacceptable.

4.3. Believed that the cow is holy so they never ate any beaf based foods

4.3.1. India developed a law banning the killing of cows.

4.4. The most hierarchical was between the rick and poor.

5. Where it Spread and Why?

5.1. Spread because of trade

5.2. Hindu rulers expanded its military which caused some smaller countries to convert to Hinduism.

5.2.1. Hinduism spread throughout southeast asia , but did not go far out of those borders.

6. They are named the Rig veda the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Atharva Veda.

7. Hinduism was originated from India

7.1. Hinduism is more of a fusion of many other religions rather then one originated religion

8. Video Crash Course Hinduism

9. Origins/founder

9.1. Believed in many different gods, all of which had different variations.

10. Sacred Texts

10.1. The Four Vedas are the primary writings.

10.2. The Brahmanas commentate and give explanations on the Four Vedas.

10.3. Upanishads dove into the deep meanings of the Vedas.

10.4. The Epics include the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana,, and the Puranas.