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Artifacts by Mind Map: Artifacts

1. Biology Pedigree

1.1. (Reflection)

1.2. SWLO-Technology

2. Industrial Rev.

2.1. (Reflection)

2.2. SWLO-Technology

3. BioHealth "Big Boy"

3.1. (Reflection)

3.2. SWLO-Work Ethic

4. Judaism

4.1. (Reflection)

4.2. Standard 10.2 / 2.3

5. Into Letter-Please Read First

6. Personal Portfolio

7. Oppression Web.

7.1. (Reflection)

7.2. SWLO-Technology, Citizenship

8. Renaissance Sketechup

8.1. (Reflection)

8.2. SWLO-Technology

9. Healthfair Poster

9.1. (Reflection)

9.2. SWLO-Collaboration, Problem solving

10. Burn Book

10.1. (Reflection)

10.2. SWLO-Work Ethic