Mozilla - SoftVision Team
by Matt Evans
1. Good Stuff
1.1. Good working transparent communication
1.2. Initiative
1.3. AI: ramp-up inside the team
1.4. AI: File all issues
1.5. Feature ownership
1.6. Involved in Test Day
1.7. Spirit & Energy of the team - Passion
1.8. Acces to information & changes
1.9. Team growth
1.10. Scrum Pads - good idea
1.11. Flexibility
1.12. Respected ETAs
1.13. Ideas are taken into account
1.14. Availability to answering Questions
1.15. Trust increase
1.16. Updates on Wiki's
1.17. Responsiveness
1.18. Attention & focus on indication from Mozilla
1.19. Grown to understand the project, business
1.20. Thouroughness - details on information provided
1.21. Perseverence
2. To improve
2.1. Few people on IRC (time-zone problem)
2.2. Communication on Automation side
2.3. Mozilla specific IRC primer - would help
2.4. Guidelines about what to do and ehen (pioritization of task)
2.5. Attend more meetings
2.6. Repeatable tasks
2.7. Ramp-up documents & test specs on Automation (i.e. tests from done examples, tasks should be be more specific)
2.8. Features changing overnight - OWNER to update the spec, as a solution - watching the wiki page
2.9. WinXP tests take to much time - compatibility issues
2.10. Involvment
2.11. Litmus tests should be updated by the owner
2.12. SV to take ownership on inactive things: AI - Mozilla will provide access.
2.13. New TestCase management System in work by Mozilla
2.14. Improve rating of Fennec on Android market
2.15. FYI:
2.16. Have on the current QA Wiki pages - the official info - to be gathered on ScrumPads
2.17. For features that don't have UseCases - SV team should take initiative and create UC
2.18. More involvement in the Automation comunity - P2PU - the basics of Selenium - focused more on WebQA - David to improve Automation area
2.19. AI: Once a month Automation Test Day
2.20. Info of who's in charge of different areas - S: follow the bugs, see who's in charge; care about what's your projects about, observe through time the people involvment - and when updating the page in Litmus provide this list as well
2.21. What means to own a feature: a set of responsibilities to be defined: start interact with the guys who construted Panorama
2.22. Mozilla's growth poses new challenges
2.23. increase initiative
2.24. Don't ask for permition - just do it and ask for feedback
2.25. Interact with a lot of mozilians to communicate
2.26. Communicate closer with developers - their feedback is valuable
2.27. Follow-trough - investigation through a bug should be followed up all the way
2.28. Using ScrumPads more efficient - to improve communication
2.29. More responsibility for the team
2.30. Have initiative when starting new tasks - not just wait for juan's/Tony's emails
2.31. Identify things important/non-important to test on
2.32. SCRUM PADS - very important to be used efifeciently