Ashley Marie Schuld

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Ashley Marie Schuld por Mind Map: Ashley Marie Schuld

1. Standard 4 WRITING: Processes and Features

1.1. Writing


1.3. The writing right here shows how I grew since the beginning of the year till now. I personally think over the years I have grown into a better writing then I was last year.

2. My Personal Page

2.1. Web Page


2.3. This web page shows my personal sides and the people who help me when I need help. Plus what I want to be when I grow up, and what i plan on doing as years go on even through highschool.

3. Standard 1 READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development

3.1. English/World History



3.4. These vocabulary demonstrates some of the words I have learned, plus made me use pictures to describe them.

4. Standard 2 Historical Perspectives of Biology

4.1. BioHealth


4.3. When doing this project we were showed how to found out what baby will have what, if anything who is dominant.