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Kaitianna Daniels by Mind Map: Kaitianna Daniels

1. Renaissance

1.1. Standard

1.2. Artifact

1.3. Reflection

2. Three Essay Comparison

2.1. Standard 5.

2.2. Essays

2.3. Reflection

3. Interim Assesment 3B

3.1. Standard

3.2. Artifact

3.3. Reflection

4. Conclusion (read last)

5. Personal Artifacts

6. DNA in the Courtroom

6.1. Standard

6.2. Artifact

6.3. Reflection

7. Interim Assesment 5A

7.1. Artifact

7.2. Reflection

7.3. Standard 5.

8. Cell Organelles Analogy

8.1. Standard

8.2. Artifact

8.3. Reflection

9. Elias Howe

9.1. Standard

9.2. Artifact

9.3. Reflection

10. Oppression South African Slavery

10.1. Standard 3.

10.2. Artifact

10.3. Reflection

11. Introduction (read first.)