Cody's mind map
by cody mcmaster
1. Renaissance
1.1. Google sketch up
1.2. reflection
2. The industrial revolution
2.1. Group invention chart
2.2. Invention group packet
2.3. WH.6.6 WH.9.1 WH.9.2 WH.9.3
2.4. reflection
3. Fundraiser for math
3.1. reflection
4. Visual vocab
4.1. reflection
5. Bio health mini project
5.1. "Big boy"
5.2. Standards B.1.26 B.1.27
5.3. reflection
6. My Website
7. World oppression and slavery
7.1. Investigating the history of slavery
7.2. World history reading assignment
7.3. Oppresion essays 10.2; 10.3; 10.4; 10.5 (specifically 5.1)
7.4. reflection
8. The Odyssey
8.1. Indiana Standards ELA 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
8.2. Google sketch up
8.3. reflection
9. The adventures of Marco Polo
9.1. reflection
9.2. Standards 10.1.1
9.3. Hinduism
10. Legacy project
10.1. reflection