Social Media Marketing in Hotel Website

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Social Media Marketing in Hotel Website by Mind Map: Social Media Marketing in Hotel Website

1. 360° Video

1.1. Classical videos like swimming-pool, sauna, room, around the hotel

1.2. Use a music to create good fealing, environment

2. Rating

2.1. Symbols used to rate : star, circle, heart, finger up, V for victory .... and use red and green if service is good or not

2.2. Rooms comfort, cleaning, food, welcoming, room service, kindness, ....

3. Podcast / Vodcast

3.1. Examples : podcast about a customer

3.2. Try to make funny and amasing

3.3. Try to use it when user open website

3.4. Podcasts explaining how booking in our hotel on booking page

4. Blog

4.1. Maybe you have to use a blog for a small hotel in a small town

5. Viral video

5.1. You have to create a funny event

5.2. Example : make it like a customer, make it like a disguised star like Paris Hilton, create a party in the hotel,

6. Facebook & Twitter

6.1. Talk about events made by hotel (news about the hotel, promotion, event, ...)

7. Google Map

7.1. Red point shows hotel address

7.2. you can show where are restaurants, museum, office center

7.3. be sure to show transports (railway, tram, subway, ...)

8. Guest book

8.1. Control all comments posted by customers and erase bad comments especially about racism for example

9. Tweeter

9.1. Allows customers ta react constently on news