K-12 Educational Software Applications
by JackieMay jacklyn m hurley
1. Drill-and-practice software
1.1. Remediation - this is reviewing content multiple times and uses alternative ways to help a student get the concept.
1.2. software that supplies factual information and then has exercises that allow the students to work on specific materials for memorization.
2. Educational game
2.1. this includes a set of rules, then the students can compete against one another or by them selves.
2.2. educational games usually include: rules, competition against other, and competition against the computer.
3. Tutorial
3.1. Branching - reflects classroom learning theory by allowing the students to excel at their own speed.
3.2. a teaching program that helps the students learn how to use a product or concept.
4. Integrated learning system (ILS)
4.1. Open learning system - this is an integrated learning system that includes software titles from leading publishers.
4.2. a software program that is developed by an educational software corporation.
4.3. It provides individual student data through pretests and contiuously monitors students performance.
5. Critical-thinking applications
5.1. this will stimulate students to use critical-thinking skills.
5.2. examples are classroom jeopardy, and kidspiration
6. ESL and foreign language applications
6.1. this provides K-12 students with assistance in learning English.
7. Math applications
7.1. for students that need help with mastering basic and complex mathematics.
8. Social studies applications
8.1. provides reinforcement of facts and helps students define their own path.
9. Educational software application
9.1. this refers to a computer software that is used to support teaching and learning.
9.2. other names are computer-based instruction (CBL) and computer-aided learning (CAL).
10. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
10.1. software that is designed to help teach facts, information, and/or skills to the students.
10.2. has been used for more than 20 years.
11. Educational computer simulation
11.1. This is also known as a video game.
11.2. a computerized model of real life that has physical representations or a simulated process.
12. Creativity applications
12.1. this allows students to use their imagination and ingenuity.
12.2. examples include Jumpstart Artist, and StoryWeaver.
13. Early learning applications
13.1. designed to provide students in grades PreK-3 with a developmental head start in reading, math, science, etc.
14. Language arts applications
14.1. supports students learning throughout the reading and writing process.
15. Science applications
15.1. to assist students in learning a wide range of science concepts.
16. Special needs software
16.1. Speech synthesis software - text that is enlarged, talking calculators, and more.
16.2. this is designed specifically for students with physical impairments or learning disabilities.
16.3. When students use software programs in their classes their ability to succeed increases.