1. The first theoreticians of the translation were the ancient Romans
1.1. Politician and philosopher Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) and the poet Quintus Horace Flaccus (65-8 BC)
2. Middle Ages
2.1. In the Middle Ages, studies in the field of translation theory were limited to questions of an adequate translation of the Bible
3. The revival of translation theory
3.1. The revival of the theory of translation began only in the 17th century, in many respects due to the active development of book printing.
4. Date of birth of translation theory
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5. Translation Theory Today
5.1. The main focus of this science is on complex issues, namely, the general problems of the translation process, the characteristics of the translated texts and any aspects that contribute to the understanding of foreign languages and cultures.
6. The rapid development of modern translation theory is associated with the 50-ies. XX century.
7. In the domestic science of translation, a turning point was the book A.B. Fedorov "Introduction to the theory of translation" (1953)
7.1. in it for the first time a reasoned definition of the theory of translation as a predominantly linguistic discipline was given.
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8. The theory of translation is one of the youngest sciences: its history is about 50 years, although even the ancient Roman scholars who lived more than 2,000 years ago tried to bring the translation into the process of translation.
9. Automatic translation
9.1. With the advent of the first electronic computers in the mid 40-ies. there is an idea to get the machine translated.
9.2. Even thousands of army interpreters could not cope with the information avalanche.
9.3. It is during this period that the first attempts are made to machine (or automatic) translation - "automated processing of information in a bilingual situation"
9.3.1. In 1954, the so-called Georgetown Experiment